VA - Sidetracked (2004)
Industrial, Breakcore
A01 Bombardier - Evacuation (1 Mile)
A02 d1s111us1on - Soul Shrredd
A03 Donna Summer - Why I Love Elo
A04 Fragment King - Kralizec
A05 Betty Bombshell - No Less Than A Crime (Prelude)
A06 Anti-Kati - Rehumanisation
A07 Dr. Butcher M.D. - Hecticasfuck
A08 8cylinder - Blastastic
A09 Ambassador 21 - Whip Song
A10 Metal Babble - Spritz Beast
A11 Zerogoki - Leventredugroschat
A12 Meconium - Garycolonics
A13 Deathsitcom - Majorheadfuck
A14 Mike Shiflet - Still Evolving
B01 Miasmatic - Modern Conveinances
B02 Adjust - Tight Sweater
B03 Betty Bombshell - The Whole Is Not Equal To The Sum Of Its
Parts (Interlude)
B04 Masochistic Ear - Betterwitheadphones
B05 Robad Pills - Violence Is Understood In All Languages
B06 Tangible - Pope Wiggler
B07 John Pooley - 1000
B08 av3rs1on - Jim Was A Spy
B09 Duran Duran Duran - type1/s
B10 Paf Le Chien - GCUB
B11 Xanopticon - Angelofdebt
B12 Plovine - Kill
B13 Little Mack - Far Beyond Bj
B14 Schizoid vs. Vinyl Vandal - Ectofuct (Factory Preset Mix)
C01 Johnny Classic - I Ate The Glass Then My Dog Ate The Glass
C02 Kel Ded - Non Offensive Track Title
C03 Ehafh - Building A Pet Lizard
C04 Plovine - Kill2
C05 HIV Plus - Smokin E Pillz
C06 Princess Dragon-Mom - Cpop
C07 Firestorm Viper - Survivaltactics
C08 BLAERG - Smash And Grab
C09 C.M.E. - Erodetodie
C10 Spunkspurter - Cramphetamine
C11 Zymotic - Theglobaleconomy
C12 Turb0slut - We Start War
C13 Guillaume Legare - Suffocation
C14 Edgey - 1min Terror
D01 Heartworm - Pass_On
D02 Funeral For Rosewater - Fall Of The White Land
D03 Hyperdriver - Oneminute
D04 Meconium - Left Ear Lopez
D05 Spunkspurter - Whatsup
D06 Ticklesitter - Silentnightetc
D07 Di_Sect - Deathnoise1mineq
D08 8cylinder - Domecrusher
D09 Tocsin - Baby Wants The Ball
D10 CFAS - Sammys Is
D11 Meatsock - Warfare
D12 Delien - Forthako
D13 Dev/Null - Metalrhythm
D14 Ehafh - Soundtrack To Eating